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Instructions to the Authors


Manuscripts: Articles should be type written on one side of A4 size (21x28cm) White paper in double spacing with a sufficient margin. One Original and two high quality photostat copies should be submitted. The author’s name is to be written only on the original copy and not on the two photostat copies. In addition to the printed version, a CD containing the article file also should be submitted compulsorily. Use a clear and concise reporting style. Trivandrum Dental Journal reserves the right to edit manuscript, to accommodate space and style requirements. Authors are advised to retain a copy for the reference.

Title Page: Title page should include the title of the article and the name, degrees, positions, professional affiliations of each author. The corresponding authors, telephone, e-mail address, fax and complete mailing address must be given.

Abstract: An abstract of the article not exceeding 200 words should be included with abbreviated title for the page head use. Abstract should state the objectives, methodology, results and conclusions.

Tables: Tables should be self explanatory, numbered in roman numbers, according to the order in the text and type on separate sheets of paper. Number and legend should be typed on top of the table.

Illustrations: Illustrations should be clearly numbered and legends should be typed on a separate sheet of paper, while each figure should be referred to the text. Good black and white glossy photographs or drawings drawn in black Indian ink on drawing paper should be provided. Colour photographs will be published as per availability of funds. It will incur printing cost. Otherwise the cost of printing will be at the expense of authors. Photographs of X-rays should be sent and not the original X-rays. Prints should be clear and glossy. On the back of each print in the upper right corner, write lightly the figure number and author’s name; indicate top of the photograph with an arrow of word Top’ Slides and X-ray photographs should be identified similarly.

Reference: Reference should be selective and keyed in numerical order to the text in Vancouver Style. Type them double spaced on a separate sheet of paper. Journal references must include author’s names, article tide, journal name, volume number, page number and year. Book reference must include author’s or editor’s names, chapter title, book tide, edition number, publisher, year and page numbers.

Copy right: Submission of manuscripts implies that the work described has and not been published before (except in the form of on abstract or as part of published lectures, review or thesis) and it is not under consideration for publication else where, and if accepted, it will not be published else where in the same form, in either the same or another language without the comment of copyright holders. The copyright covers the exclusive rights of reproduction and distribution, photographic reprints, video cassettes and such other similar things. The views/opinions expressed by the authors are their own. The journal bears no responsibility what so ever.

The editors and publishers can accept no legal responsibility for any errors, omissions or opinions expressed by authors. The publisher makes no warranty, for expression implied with respect to the material contained therein. The journal is edited and published under the directions of the editorial board who reserve the right to reject any material without giving explanations. All communications should be addressed to the Editor. No responsibility7 will be taken for undelivered issues due to circumstances beyond the control of the publishers.

Books for review: Books and monographs will be reviewed based on their relevance to Trivandrum Dental Journal readers. Books should be sent to the Editor and will become property of Trivandrum Dental Journal.

Return of articles: Unaccepted articles will be returned to the authors only if sufficient postage is enclosed with the manuscripts.

All correspondence may please be send to the following address:
Dr. Capt. Vivek .V
Editor, Trivandrum Dental Journal,
Kairali, House No. 330, Gandhi Nagar 3rd Street, Vazhuthacaud, Trivandrum.


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